Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall Ya'll!

It is finally here! My favorite time of year! Okay, I know I haven't blogged in a while but in my defense, I warned you. Plus, I have had a busy past few weeks. My father-in-law had a heart attack last Tuesday. He is okay, but it was a big scare for all of us. I will try to update you on the last few weeks.

Topic #1-Nanny

I can't believe the kind of fan base my grandmother has! I don't know how many people have asked when I am going to blog another Nanny story. You people think I add to her stories but I don't! This is 100% her! I went for her monthly house cleaning a few weeks ago. When I got there she had pictures covering her kitchen table and was staring intently at this one picture of our family reunion back in July. I asked what she was doing and she replied, " This picture frame isn't big enough for the picture so I am trying to decide who to cut out." Who knew they made picture frames in only one size. Do you see now why I do the thing I do for my grandmother? One wrong move and I am cut out of the family picture. She also found her Oklahoma driver's license from 1951. Look out Limestone County PD. I have a feeling she is going to try to use it to drive since she failed Alabama's driver's test. When I was leaving I jokingly (not really, I was pretty serious) told her not to be chasing after any boys. She used to tell me that when I was in high school. She informed there would be no boy chasing, just men chasing and asked if I knew where any single ones were. I reminded her that she had a widower living next door. She said, " There wouldn't be much chasing going on there, he can barely walk! That wouldn't be any fun!" This past Friday night mom and dad took her grocery shopping. Dad was in the automotive section, when he looked up he saw my grandmother. When she realized he saw her she took off running, running NOT walking. To be 87 she can really book it. When they got to the car she realized she forgot to get cough medicine. He told her if she hadn't have been running from him she would have remembered. She said," I wasn't running, just walking fast." I remember using that defense when I was about 9! I really think she has gone back to her childhood.

Topic # 2-Gabriella

In the last few weeks she has gone from awkwardly scooting to crawling. She is trying to stand up but hasn't gotten very far. Soon I will have to baby proof the house. I am so amazed on how time has flown by. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. Friday, since the weather was so nice, I took her to the park. After an hour of wrestling with her and calling Nick for reinforcement, I finally got some really good pictures. Well, I have got to go to work. Tomorrow is "Pajama Tuesday" and the only thing on my agenda is spending time with Gabby. I doubt I will get to blog but I promise Wednesday I will type an entry.

1 comment:

Rebekah D. said...

Oh, why do you put that cute little girl in that ugly shirt? ;-)
You better hope Nanny never figures out how to find your blog. You'll be cut out for sure!