Sunday morning Nick had to go to work so I decided to go to church with Mom and Dad since Meredith and the girls were there. I went to the auditorium class because I wasn't sure how Gabby would do in a different class and I wanted to be close. About five minutes after I sat down, Nanny walked in and when straight to the front. Not long into the lesson, I hear a chirping noise. After Nanny lost her fifth set of house keys Dad decided to get her one of those key chains that if you whistle it will chirp. Great idea, but Nanny can't whistle. Anytime anyone in class would cough or sneeze the chirping would start. Plus, the guy in front of me kept making random comments through out the entire class. Here is a clip it so you can get the full effect. "The same temptations we face today were faced fifty years ago.!! CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!! Today it is Crystal Meth, then it was pot and LCD." !! CHIRP CHIRP!! " Hey Mr. K, what exactly is LCD?" !! CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!! After the teacher politely explained, he carried on with his lesson.
Then he asked the rhetorical question," For example, what did ya'll do yesterday?"
!!CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!! " Well, Mr. K, I just piddled around the house. Didn't do much" About 10 minutes after the teacher changed subjects, the man in front of me pipes up and says, " I take that back, my brother came and got me and we went to M-a-c-donalds and drank cokes" !CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!! I mentally asked myself the question, " Am I tripping on LCD or is this really happening?" Thankfully, class was over! I really tried paying attention, but every time I would get deep in thought, either I heard a CHIRP or a random thought from the guy in front of me. I took the key away from Nanny and told Dad to do something with it till church was over. I think I would have screamed if I heard that CHIRP one more time! By the way, Nanny came to Marion Street Sunday night. If you missed her, she was the 87 year old with the ankle bracelet on. She just started wearing it after Christmas. Not quite sure what that is all about.
First Day of School
10 years ago
hahaha that is hilarious~
I'm laughing my butt off and getting on Nathan's nerves! That is hilarious! Too bad Nanny didn't bring her chirping key finder to church Sunday night!
I love your Nanny stories! I hate that I didn't see her with you at church Sunday night- maybe you can get her to come back sometime.
Please bring Nanny to Bunco!
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