The other day my niece Kynsleigh was counting, " One, two, four, five..." My sister-in-law, Brandi told her that it was one, TWO, three, four..... Kynsleigh replied, " No it's not" and continued counting over and over again skipping three. Kynsleigh and Gabby love watching the "Doodle Bops" and Kyns has pretty much memorized ever song. After awhile of this going on my nephew Login said, "Kynsleigh, you are counting wrong.It is one, two, three, four...." Brandi said Kynsleigh just gave them a look and said," Well, how come when I sing my Doodle Bops I sing TWO-gether, Four-ever? There is no three." They really couldn't argue much with her after that.
Yeah sometimes she has TOOO much wisdom!!! LOL!!!
That's really smart! WOW!
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