Friday, July 25, 2008

cRaZy NaNnY

Thursday I had to take my grandmother to an eye doctor's appointment. A few months ago she had to retake her driving test and failed. Miserably. Dad took the keys and parked the car at their house. After much debate she finally gave up the other sets of keys she hid except for the set she buried out in the yard. She SAYS she can't remember where she buried them. I am just waiting for the phone call from my parents to tell me that they came home to find holes all over Nanny's yard and that the car is missing. She is 87 years old! You would have thought they took keys away from a 16 year old. She has always said she was going to out live all of us. I don't know what kind of deal with the devil she made but I am beginning to believe her. Anyway, after the appointment, I decided to just bring her back to my house for the afternoon. Oh what a day! After giving my 5 month old a piece of bread when I turned by back, she decided to "straighten" Gabby's room. Now I can't find anything. The whole afternoon was like this. It ended with her telling me that she is going to run, excuse me "ride away" on a bus this winter to her sister's house in Kansas. Gabby and I both needed a little "hot tub" relaxation after her visit. Can I just say, I have a wonderful baby! The only time she is upset is if she is hungry or feels bad. God has blessed me greatly!

1 comment:

Rebekah D. said...

LOL! Your Nanny may be crazy, but at least she supplies you with plenty of entertaining stories!