Friday, July 25, 2008

Miss Independant

Today Gabby and I met a friend of mine and her son for lunch. While I was trying to get dressed, Gabby started pitching a fit. I was already getting things together for a bottle so I decided to just go ahead and give her one before we left. Apparently I was not feeding her fast enough. She grabbed the bottle out of my hands and began feeding herself. The Nanas have been telling me she has been trying to hold her bottle some for the past month and a half. More and more I have come to the realization that we will have another child. She has such a "first child" personality. I have been really trying to reiterate to her Tim's lesson about children not being the most important person in our lives. She is not taking it so well :) She pretty much finds away to get what she wants. Lately, she has had a fascination with her toes. She loves sucking on them. At the moment she is torn between " BA BA" and her toe. She is trying to put both in her mouth. I'll let you know how that turns out.

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