Tuesday, December 16, 2008

As Christmas approaches the weeks get crazier and I don't have enough time in the day. My mom reminded me that I hadn't blogged in awhile. So here are the highlights. Saturday Nick had to work overtime. I did not want to spend the day at the house but the weather was icky and I hated to drag Gabby out and about in it. So, what do you do on a cold and rainy day? You go swimming! Before I kept Daniel, Damon and Whitney, I would get up and go to water aerobics at the Wellness Center every morning. I love the water and apparently I have passed that to Gabby. I can't take a shower without her trying to nose-dive into the tub. She is fearless. She doesn't mind putting her face in the water. I happened to remember that they have family swim on Saturdays. She ate, took a long nap, and when she woke we headed to the pool.

Gabby LOVED it! I would stand her on the side of the pool and she would jump into my arms and kick those little legs. She would scream with excitement and her voice would echo through out the pool area so of course she would scream just to hear it. After about an hour and half of constant playtime, I had one tired baby on my hands. We loaded up and headed home. The best part was that she took a two and a half hour nap afterwards. After hearing all those cases of children "Dry Drowning" I was paranoid so I peeked in on her every fifteen minutes to make sure she was still breathing! This was the first time in a long time she has napped that long and of course I didn't get anything accomplished. When Nick got home we loaded up and headed to the tree farm. It is so important to me to make memories with Gabby and although she won't remember, I wanted us to go, pick out a tree, and cut it down ourselves for her first Christmas.

I spent today decorating it while she "helped" me. She FINALLY said "Mommy" last week but when you ask her to say it she says Daddy and grins. Tonight, I was trying to get her buckled in her car seat and she was kicking and throwing a fit. I sat her back in her car seat and said "No No Gabby." She looked at me and yelled, "NO!" I am not sure but I think I have trouble ahead. Friday, Nick surprised me with my Christmas presents. He can never wait till Christmas. He got me a photo shop program for my computer so I can edit all of Gabby's pics and Gabby got me a Pandora charm bracelet and charms. I had been wanting one but never mentioned it to Nick. I was so shocked that he picked out such a thoughtful gift on his own.

1 comment:

momx2 said...

She looks so cute. I can't wait for warm weather. Yall will have to come swimming at my MOms.:)