Thursday, August 14, 2008

dAzEd & CoNfUsEd

Today I helped Mom and Dad out by taking Nanny to her last eye doctor's appointment after her cataract surgery. First of all, as long as I can remember this woman has worn glasses, all the time. It has only been recently that I have learned that the only thing she needs them for is reading! She has 20/20 vision in one eye and 20/25 in the other w/out glasses! But she insists that now she needs to go get her eyes checked for new glasses. After the appointment she needed to go to Wal-Mart for some groceries. I, being the good grand-daughter I am, told her I would let her out up front then park and meet her inside. It took me twenty minutes to find the woman! What was I thinking?!?! This 87 year old woman litteraly was sprinting thru the store. After I found her it was if I had said, " Okay Nanny, ready, set, go!" Here I was trying to steer a buggy with one hand, throwing what I needed in the buggy with the other, and trying to hang on to Gabby with both, while she took off in front of me. All of this for a half gallon of milk and cough drops. But, one good thing came from this experience. I have found the secret of living forever and looking young. Are you ready?? King size candy bars. Last time I was at her house there were 3 in her freezer and mom says she buys a hand full every time they take her to the grocery store. She bought two today. I know now how she can sprint thru Wal-Mart. She complains that she hasn't been able to sleep lately. Hmmm...could living off chocolate be the reason?? After Wal-Mart we had to go by McDonald's for a $ 1 "chicken biscuit" AKA a chicken sandwich. Imagine our conversation when she found out that they have raised the price of a chicken sandwich to $ 1.29. Oh McDonalds, you have lost a lot of business. She stopped going to Hardee's because they increased the price on their senior citizen drinks. I don't know where she will go now. Finally, we headed back to my house. After she caught me up on Dr. Phil and Britney Spears, yes my grandmother knows all about Britney, she played with Gabby, we ate supper and then I took her home. She says one of her magazines talks about Britney all the time. Now, the last time I checked neither Reader's Digest nor Caper's Weekly discussed the all important topic of Britney.


lvining said...

hilarious! I love your "nanny" stories!

Rebekah D. said...

Your nanny cracks me up. She inspires me to drive my own kids and grandkids crazy one day! Turnabout's fair play, after all.