Monday, April 6, 2009

Yea Me!

It only took me about 9 months but I finally learned how to change my layout! I told you people I was computer illiterate.

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday morning we headed to the park to have our Easter egg hunt with the kids from church. Gabby didn't know what to expect at first, but after a little help from Daddy she quickly filled her basket. I was so glad to help do it, but thankful it was over. Next year I will be more organized. It was so great getting to see all the kids having a great time. Brandi dropped Kynsleigh off and Mom, Dad, Meredith, Shana and Nanny brought Anja and Ramah. I am so glad to be part of a group of Christians that continually try to find ways for us all to fellowship with each other. Thanks for getting it started Tanya!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Leggo' My (made from scratch whole wheat) Eggo

In my quest to save money and eat healthier I decided to try money saving mom's recipe for whole wheat low fat waffles. She has some really great tips on how to make the most of your freezer. Once a month she has a day set aside to cooking and freezing. She preps a lot of her food for the month and then freezes it. One really smart idea she had was making a double batch any time she cooked a casserole. She put the extra one in the freezer for later. She was pregnant and wanted to stock up the freezer so after the baby came she wouldn't have to cook. Smart Lady! So yesterday I headed to Publix to get some whole wheat flour. I ended up spending $25 bucks on the BOGOs and other great deals but saved $35. Plus, I think I might be able to skip my grocery trip for the next two weeks! Anyway, I didn't have a waffle iron so I had to track one down. Luckily, I was able to borrow my MIL's(and when I say borrow, I mean I will probably end up keeping it! She wasn't using it!) So last night I whipped up two batches of waffles to freeze. It ended up making 2 dozen waffles. It cost approx. $1.50 to make both batches. After they cooled, I placed them flat in a freezer bag and between each layer I put a piece of wax paper so they wouldn't stick. It was so easy and we have breakfast for weeks! I will never buy Eggo's again. This morning I took out enough for Gabby's and my breakfast. Gabby loved them and they went great with the $.89 turkey sausage I picked up at Publix. Does anybody have any more easy made from scratch recipes?